“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” – William Shakespeare
This moment feels unbelievable. It seems as if it was yesterday we were introduced to you as our heads and to say goodbye so soon just doesn’t fit. But here we stand before a new beginning.
Redstockings literary Society has seen scads of changes in the years gone and will always embrace the doles of memories that stay. You served as pillars of support to Redstockings and to us as well. We fairly wish that the future brings brighter opportunities for you. May the journey you’re about to embark upon open many doors for you. The footprints you leave behind will lead us with our next step.
We whole-heartedly thank you for your contribution to Redstockings and for guiding us all the way. We hope to, bring to your essence, new ingredients of our minds and be the usher to our juniors as you were to us.
These words are a small token of gratitude from us to you. Thank you for leading the way. Your positivity and encouragement brightened our lives. We thank you for your unwavering faith in us. May you continue to shine. May we continue to learn from you.
Redstockings Literary Society
Vice President
Redstockings Literary Society