The Redstockings Chronicle
Quarterly E-Publication Of Redstockings Literary Society, Bharati College
I See Fire: Singnificant Stories, Feature #1
My Childhood Room: Singnificant Stories, Feature #2
Dear Amrita Pritam: Letter To Litterateur, Feature #1
Dear Draupadi: Letter to Litterateur, Feature #2
If Stephen King wrote Romeo & Juliet: Rewrite The Story, Feature #1
Harry Potter in the Muggle World: Rewrite the Story, Feature #2
Feature #I: The Kitchen Wall Part A
Feature #I: The Kitchen Wall Part B
Feature #2: Red
Feature #3: Three Pieces Of Solidarity
Prize Winning Submission: Breathe
Prize Winning Submission: The Bridge
Depression, Darkness and Anti-Depressants
Confessions Of A 23-Year-Old
Please Try Again Later
Winning Feature: Thinking Through The Pandemic
Winning Features: Epiphanies Of 2020
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A Quarterly E-Publication of Bharati College's English Department that aims to turn literature beyond hefty books.
We are a bunch of students who believe in literature as both a delicate thing of beauty as well as a revolution!