On the vast land, mountains and trees stand tall
Snow hugging the vastness like a cloak, Binds chirping and flying in the air forming a crowd,
singing the song of terror as the sun goes down.
On the vast land, crimson river flows
Bodies hugging the snow with the scarlet glow.
Boom! Bang! Splash! the event goes on.
The mountains and trees, takes the final blow.
on the vast land, the sky is painted pink,
As if the white snow changing its hovering hue and not letting the hearts sink,
Naive children stand tall on the ground, as the sirens makes their life shrink, selfishness takes the best of them, they stand on the edge,
Letting their greed take over as they will the last batch.
on the vast land, the eerie silence prevails, The silence is broken with the curdling lullaby,
The birds fall on the stakes and no white remains.
The time stopped here, no movement was made.
On the vast land, the sky remained pink, the sky remained pink!
-Ekta Singh, Bharati College