"You speak of flowers and merrymaking in such a way it almost seems unreal." The bucket of water she had fetched from the spring held in her calloused hands
"If you chose to put a blindfold over your eyes, there is nothing much I can do than to whisper in your ear" The fae murmured, its rosy lips ghosting over the maiden's skin. "Love is blind, my dear."
"You speak so highly of him, but does he do so as well?"
"You wouldn't be asked to merely sit at the table and look pretty."
"Does he love you for who you are under the maquillage and jewels you wear, my darling?"
Pushing the fae aside, she is welcomed by the impending supper, the bedsheets that must be ironed, fleurs that must be replaced before the return of her husband who doesn't wish to lay his eyes on her, almost as it were to be a great sin unless he wished to satisfy his own needs.
When you put someone on a pedestal they have no choice but to look down on you, not something the twenty year old was capable to understand on her own.
"Was this all you ever wanted?" Another whisper in her ear. Another, and another, just like the bruises scattered over her skin. She looks towards the wedding ring, the massive weight of it chaining her to him. A moment of silence, and she slides the wretched thing off her finger, disappearing in the song of the night.
- Taarini Goyal, Editorial Board, RLS