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Editor's Desk

Writer's picture: Redstockings ChronicleRedstockings Chronicle


Is beautiful, yet poignant. It is empowering, yet debilitating. It is a state of being and it is the sheer definition of sacrifice. You sacrifice your thoughts to fit into a mould that has been built for you from the very moment your face touched the light. You are a daughter, before a student. A wife, before an employee and you are a mother before an independent individual.

At least, that is how the society expects it to be. But, for centuries powerful women have been bursting through the glass ceiling in everything from high heels to combat boots. They have displayed the courage and strength to change the very definition of womanhood. Where it was limited to the shape of your body, it is now seen as the state of your mind. A womb is no longer a cage protecting the idea of what a woman is supposed to be, how she is supposed to live.

In honour of these powerful, extraordinary women, The Redstockings Chronicle put together pieces written by powerful, extraordinary women. We have articles crticizing the nature of the society towards women and we have beautiful poems depicting the nature and struggle of being a woman in this world. From poetry to prose, the joys and afflictions of womanhood have been splendidly put into words by these talented writers.

- Nandini Dang, Editor-in-chief, RLS


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