The street this morning is abundant in orange peels.
I'm thinking back to the winters of 2009.
i was 6, the eldest in my family and
even in relations of strange blood.
I'm thinking of my first train ride and I remember it
in fruity flavours of orange lip balms.
his head pops out of the balcony ,my neighbour for the winters of 2009.
i run up the stairs and then climb down the slide.
He's standing where my feet stops.
He beckons and I go.
Ours mothers are 50 steps away
He is 6 days younger than me
A peeled orange in his tiny warm hands
He gives 6 pieces to me ,
Pops none in his mouth. He waits.
I smell of orange lip balm and
His hands are fragranced with peeled oranges
I am telling him the sun is an orange orb
He disagrees. He says it's a scared circle
Its peels are missing.
He gives me 6 more orange slices, and pops none in his mouth.
The street this morning is abundant in orange peels and the sun is a scared circle.
I am crouching in front of my 2009 winter neighbour .
His hands smell of peeled oranges
But he gives me no orange slices.
He's looking like the sun, missing his peels.
The streets tomorrow will be deficient in orange peels.
- Archana Aggarwal, President, RLS