1. From the Editor's Desk - Paromita Sarkar
2. From the President's Desk - Gauri Shukla
3. The Melange 2021 Narrative - The Editorial Board
4. ‘Singnificant’ Stories, Feature 1: I See Fire - Shreya Borthakur
5. ‘Singnificant’ Stories, Feature 2: My Childhood Room - Ananya Dutta
6. Letter to Litterateur, Feature 1: Dear Amrita Pritam - Kirti Mondal
7. Letter to Litterateur, Feature 2: Dear Draupadi - Riddhi Chatterji
8. Rewrite The Story, Feature 1: What if Stephen King wrote Romeo & Juliet? - Kshitiz Kumar Singh
9. Rewrite The Story, Feature 2: Harry Potter in the Muggle World - Shambhavi
10. Farewell 2021: An Evening of Bittersweet Goodbyes - Gauri Shukla