It is bothersome
To listen to people,
Who ask me ritually,
As to why I cut my hair so short.
Its like they worship my hair long,
And devote less when they’re short.
I answer exhaustedly,
Its because of all the conversations,
That play in my head and continuously,
Play on my long hair.
I had to get them off their play zone.
Its because of the smell,
Of all the unwanted memories in them.
I wanted to bleach them away,
From the surface of my hair.
Its because of the gloom-colored touch,
You left in the locks of my hair.
Its because of all the broken promises,
That pierced like blade all the way through,
To my hair.
That I feel free with short hair.
It’s because I wanted to get rid,
Of all the burden of our so-called emotions we shared,
That was build up on my hair.
Anisha Gupta
Indraprastha College for Women
University of Delhi