It’s been a while since I read “A Place Called Here” by Cecelia Ahern. Just as the title suggests it took me to a place that exists nowhere but somewhere. Ever wondered where one of your socks goes from the dryer, where’s that teddy you cherished in your childhood? There’s no answer to these but they must be somewhere. Is there a parallel universe that sucks up all the lost things and people? How do they get there? Are they able to sustain themselves there? I need to know.
Being inquisitive about things, this book gave me a different sort of anxiety. I couldn’t sleep for a few nights wondering what if all this is true. I mean I wouldn’t know unless I go there myself. But there’s no entry gate as well. I need to learn more. I need answers.
‘I like to have conversations with people, I always have. I find that through talking about themselves people learn things that they didn’t know before. It’s a kind of self-healing. I ask questions because I like to help people.’
It's all in mind in intangible form and each moment is sliding back into that intangible form. With each tick of the clock, what we had experienced as our present moment becomes our past.
The reality is in the present moment, but our thoughts are occupied in past and future. Future is also another parallel projection of our thoughts. To stay in present is to stay beyond thoughts.
Understood ?