A five year old girl sat under the stars, Admiring the illuminating in the dark black space, Getting swayed by the constellations up in the sky, She decides to be an astronaut, and fly to the planets nearby. As she admires the beauty of Mother Earth; her mom brings her a hot chocolate and marshmallows, “I will be an astronaut one day, mom”, she endows with excitement.
As the age of 12 strikes by, She discovers the breathtaking beauty of art, stroking the brush gently on the white canvas, with a sip of hot chocolate and marshmallows, She says to herself, “I will be an artist one day and make my family proud.”
6 years later, while working in a science lab, discovering the beauty of human body and the self healing mechanism it possesses, With the sip of her hot chocolate and marshmallows She grinned and said “I will be a scientist one day”.
At the age of 28, as she lies in the knots of marriage Immersed in the ocean of love, she drinks her hot chocolate, gently chews her marshmallow and smiles with elation, as she saw her ‘Happily Ever After’ dream coming true
Several years pass by, Now her fingers have wrinkles, and her cheeks have big dimples. As she came home from her mother’s funeral. Reminiscing their time together, she drinks her hot chocolate and marshmallows, and remembers her mother fondly, who taught her to make their drink
As she recollects the events of her life,
she feels a bit uneasy inside, Existential crisis strikes her in the middle of the night, “Nothing in my life has been stagnant” she says to herself.
Her dreams have changed, Her friends have backstabbed, Her family has been torn apart, Her life has never been balanced. Suddenly, an epiphany crossed her mind, There was one thing that stayed with her even when her life was changing every second, And it was her favourite hot chocolate and marshmallows Instantly, a sense of comfort arrived in her mind She found solace in that cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows, and felt happy from inside
So as the age of 80 passes by, She reflects on her childhood Takes a sip of that hot chocolate and marshmallows, And lived her last days, with content and composure, Because she had learnt to find comfort in that hot chocolate and marshmallows, Because she had learnt to find comfort in ordinary things.
-Lara Gautam, Bharati College