Aren’t there days when you just wake up and feel like you are stuck in a cycle? Everyday looks like a stain on a beautiful white dress that you had planned to wear. This pandemic has turned tables for all of us. With the Dalgona Coffee in one hand and banana bread loaf in the oven, we all came through. Only to be hit by another wave of the virus and a self deprecating journey.
There is no denial that in such tough times we all tend to lose hope, even when we are comparatively rather privileged. Being stuck in our homes, while our life hangs like an old chandelier by the ceiling, it’s no fun to get up from the bed and be productive everyday. Sometimes, it is okay to take a day off and on the others when life seems to be an uncalled relative, we can always look up to the people who make us feel better about ourselves and this bittersweet lockdown in our everyday lives. Surrounding yourself with non-toxic, non-judgemental and positive content is your key to swivel through a day, especially when the internet becomes an echo chamber of grief, hate and distrust.
These 5 content creators helped me through these time and we hope they can be of significance to you, as well;
Clara Guillem (she/her)

Social Media can become a little too much at times. All the Instagram models huddling up with a snatched waist and their green smoothies, and an 800 calorie-diet which might just instruct you to drink water for lunch. Social media can be very overwhelming with all these made up beauty and societal standards.
Clara takes us through a journey of non toxic body positivity content, which tells you how a brownie every now and then fulfils both your soul and stomach. Clara Guillem, herself suffered an eating disorder in her past years and successfully recovered from it. Her content is a showcase of photos which show how real bodies have scars, stretch marks and rolls and how everybody is as beautiful as they come. She portrays how different poses and lighting can make your body look different, thus it is not always a great option to get stuck over an unrealistic body type.
Especially through the pandemic, going through her feed gives me a sense of satisfaction while I sit in my room watching my favourite movie and eating my favourite meal.
Anjali Chakra (she/her)
Isn’t it lovely to look at a human being who is beautiful, kind and smart & is so driven towards a cause? In some way or the other, it makes you feel validated in your own little way.
Anjali Chakra is an Indian who found love in New York with a Pakistani artist named Sufi Malik, the couple shares this beautiful dynamic, while showing us how they got through various hurdles which came in their way because of their nationalities and cultures.
Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community these two set great examples of how conflicting religions and traditional norms should never overwhelm. Watching love bloom on your feed every once in a while really cheers you up!
Hannah daisy (she/they/them)
With the second wave of the COVID 19 pandemic hitting us, we all experienced a storm of the first lockdown memories gushing right back in. All those gloomy days the only thought which crossed the mind was, “is this the end?”
It took a serious toll on our mental health. It seemed as if life had no aim.
I discovered Hannah, when I was at my lowest. They helped me realise, something as simple as, “sitting at home and doing nothing” can be mentally exhausting for us. Their art is so soothing to the eyes, if I am to put it frankly, their art acted like an elixir for my soul. Something really appreciable about Hannah is that their content spreads incredible awareness amongst the followers through simple illustrations.
They are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and actively support and participate in the cause. Their account is one of the few safe platforms where you express your thoughts while still learning & unlearning throughout the process.
Joann (she/her)
My personal experience towards self love has always been bittersweet, there are days I wake up hating the way I look, it feels like nothing suits me and on other days, my body becomes a shrine I would want to worship everyday. A fluctuation almost everyone perhaps goes through.
Joann is a gorgeous content producer who makes you believe that self love might come to you through a tough route but eventually it definitely does. Her aesthetically pleasing feed not only promotes body positivity but also inspires a great fashion sense.
Megha Rao
Poetry is like warm soup, but for the soul on a cold winter night it serves you everything that you desire for. Reading is such a soothing task, it takes your mind to wonderlands undiscovered, it is like a daisy meadow on sunny morning, a slight kiss on your head before you go to sleep.
Megha Rao’s poetry is a favourite of most upcoming writers in the digital world of Instagram. Her voice resonates through walls. She strings up words in ways unknown. Her writings are definitely something which will keep you hooked during this pandemic and beyond but the way she expresses that piece of writing makes all the difference.
Check out her spoken poetry here
Nitisha Chopra
Editor, Redstockings Chronicle