Every year, the month of April is celebrated as the National Poetry Writing Month. NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April. The official website for this project is owned and operated by Maureen Thorson, a poet living in Washington, DC.
To observe the National Poetry Writing Month in our college, the Redstockings Literary Society, Department of English, decided to disseminate information by posting about the various poetic forms and certain famous poets on our Instagram handle. The aim was to inspire every poet who participated in NaPoWriMo. We covered over 15 poetic forms, including Sonnets, Ballads, Elegies, Odes, Acrostic poems, and much more. We even posted about famous poets and the poems they have written. The list had Shakespeare, John Keats, Edgar Allan Poe and many more.
This literary celebration was informative as well as amusing. Our audience learned about various poetic forms and also about poets. The editorial board curated the material to post. The Media Team designed the content into beautiful graphics and the PR team posted them regularly everyday for the month of April. It was because of the team’s harmonious and quick work that Redstockings was able to celebrate an incredibly poetic April. We promise to come up with more of such endeavours to continue to build a strong literary inclination among our peers.
Redstockings Literary Society