A bright breezy, sunny day it was,
How springs would offer, some moments to pause
To savour the sweetness of the soil floating
I closed my eyes to see, but found me rotting!
There I am on a wooden boat!
With an oar in my hand, having pain in my throat,
I longed to shout for help and cried
But the solitary water of the river did quietly slide.
But unlike the water, I was not alone,
I had a cat to company and a face unknown.
‘Hello’, my eyes said to her,
But she seemed lost and
Kept staring at the moving water.
There was a deep silence amidst the gushing flow
There was a deep sound amidst the greens in the row
I wanted to go back to the story of my life
Enjoying spring breezes in the afternoon till five.
I had the oar in my hand but I let that go
I held the hand of the girl unknown
She looked into my eyes, with deadly stares
As she breathes, her heartbeats were scared.
The cat jumped into the flowing river
And water splattered, gave me a shiver.
I soon saw the girl weeping, staring at the water,
To comprehend the mysterious cat slaughter.
‘Hushhhh’ – screamed the greens near me!!!!
My heart asked me, “Where are we?”
“Redemption lies in oblivion”, said the girl!
The river around has surrounded me
World’s drowning in sorrow, please hurry!
Scared and frightened my heart felt a deep ache!
Peeing into my memory and counting all the mistakes.
Before I could apologize,
she pushed me into the cat-gulping water,
I struggled, moved my hands to rescue
To find me in my room, to value –
The gift of oblivion and realizing
One’s ‘entrance’ and ‘exit’.
Kirti Mondal, 2nd year
B.Sc H. Computer Science
Indraprastha College for Women